Speaker Details

Counselors & Interpreters

Chuck and Nancy Snyder

Chuck and Nancy Snyder

Dr. Chuck Snyder earned his doctoral degree by translating lectures and book summaries for Whitefield Theological Seminary's MATS program. He also has a Master’s degree in teaching interpreting from Western Maryland College and an M.Div. from Biblical Theological Seminary. Chuck has been RID-certified since 1988. He has taught interpreting and interpreted theological conferences for decades.

Nancy Snyder (Master of Arts in Theological Studies) holds certifications with RID, Association of Certified Biblical Counselors, and Deaf Biblical Counseling. She is the author of The Gospel for Moving Targets, hands-on devotional lessons that help parents and teachers present children with lively, gospel-centered activities. She is also the author of Lions for Ajax, a children’s chapter book that presents gender as a gift from God to be lived for his glory.

Chuck and Nancy are the authors of Picnicking with God and Other Stories, which chronicles glimpses of God’s grace in ordinary life. The Snyders have been blessed with four sons, three daughters-in-law, and five grandchildren.